Rock the world 8 was not really awesome, because the line up sucks. tetapi masih ada band band yang mengujakan. rotw8 dijalankan di the secret garden behind stadium merdeka. the place is sucks, because the hospitality sucks. there is no garbage plastic or tongs at all to throw the rubbish. so i think everbody just throw it anywhere in the secret garden. so it was so bersepah dengan sampah sarap. plus the secret garden sangat la berlecak macam tempat orang baru lepas korban lembu di situ. huh. habis kotor baju aku, seluar, kasut dan sebagainya. i went to rotw8 with my hometown buddies, botak and faiz. but then botak was lost there with her girlfriend living us behind. haha. biar lah orang nak dating. there a lot of opening acts band such dance to the radio, sharpshooter, and many more. the main dishes for rotw8 such as republic of brickfields, the otherside orchestra, estrella, oag, and bunkface was awesome. yang lain2 aku x sempat tgk sebab mak aku dah membuat panggilan, "abang dah pukul berapa ni tak reti nak balik lg?" huh. it was hard to be the only guy in the family. so i was out at 8 and took a cab which cost RM20 from pudu to selayang. wtf? all taxi drivers are the same. with excuses, " pakcik nak pergi selayang boleh, tapi dari sana nanti tak ada orang so macam rugi la kan". sesungguhnya semua pemandu teksi memang macam tu. nak charge lebih je. we were 2balls only because botak lepak want to stay with anis. phew.

baju kecik same ngan kaum kat depan dol..
haha tau xpe. sebijik plak tu
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